Short animation film, 2023
“The Shadowless People” is a poignant 2D handcraft animation short film produced by Old Stone Film. The film commemorates the victims of the Khojaly massacre, which occurred on February 26, 1992. It captures the emotional journey of those affected by this tragic event, blending artistic storytelling with historical reflection.
The film features evocative scenes of individuals and families in a forested setting, capturing moments of both hope and despair. The animation vividly portrays their struggles and memories, with a focus on a child’s perspective and an elderly man’s solemn journey through the forest.
The 2D handcraft animation style gives the film a unique and immersive visual quality. Soft, painterly textures and rich colors create a nostalgic and emotional atmosphere. The collaboration between Old Stone Film and the creative team resulted in a powerful tribute that educates and evokes empathy from viewers.
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